Basic Group


As developers assure, it’s difficult to distinguish robot from a real child by behavior, he crying, smilling and hysterics like a real child.

The American company Gaumard Scientific has created this robot for medical research. The equivalent of a five-year-old child was named the Hall. At Hall, a large range of emotions: if he laughs – he laughs, if he is hurt – may cry. He is able to be surprised, like an ordinary child, to hysterical, angry.

Even the outside of the robot Hall reminds a person: his pupils’ eyes can narrow and expand, and parts of the body are almost identical to human. Inside the Hawa flows artificial blood, and if he “gets hurt” then blood will go out of him.

The main purpose of this development is a workshop for young medical students. Scientists hope that in the coming years, human beings can thus learn more about the disease, get new, effective methods in the field of pediatrics, as well as child psychology.
