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13 (2)

Recently taxi service Uber unexpectedly invited journalists to the event called «Elevate Summit», whet it will tell about the prospects of development of the flying public transport.

It will not a machine, it will a small electric aircraft that can carry up to ten people. Through the use of such aircraft speed transport passengers from point A to point B reduced from 30 to 5 minutes.

To carry out the first tests the company is going to Dubai and Dallas. Especially during lethal devices will be created grounds. Judging by the presentation of such platforms can be placed both on rooftops and on the ground.

If the first tests are successful, flying transport from Uber begin used commercially as early as 2023. The company will be engaged in the development of aircraft: this feature will take the taxi service partners, among which appear Aurora Flight Sciences, Embraer, Pipistrel Aircraft and Mooney.