Basic Group


In the Rotterdam, the Netherlands installed 130 containers for the collection of stale bread.

In Rotterdam, there will now be a constant production of electricity from hardwoods. The BroodNodig pilot project was launched 3 years ago, it was a private initiative gained by the mayor’s office.

During this time, the organizers gathered 125 thousand kilograms of bread – enough to supply 50 apartments annually with biogas. And if the same quantity of bread is used for power generation, it is possible to keep 2 thousand light bulbs turned on all year round.

Rotterdam is not the first city in the Netherlands, where they tried to get energy from bread. In the past year, the same containers for collecting hardwoods were installed in Amsterdam. According to the statistics of the Dutch Center for the Study of Nutrition Voedingscentrum, each resident of the Netherlands has 41 kg of eaten food per year, of which 22% are bread and pastries.
