Reports system of FFU security officers and match directors
Reports system of FFU security officers and match directors is a system for automation of a process of reports filling out by security officers and match directors.
Conducted work:
Website coding
UX optimization
Reports system of FFU security officers and match directors is a common environment for security officers, match directors and FFU management for exchange of reports, documents and other information regarding matches on the territory of Ukraine.
Advantages of the system:
- Accumulation of information on games in the form of reports;
- Accumulation of information on accredited stadiums in the form of a list of available documents required for their accreditation;
- Reduction of the time for processing the data needed to security officers and match directors to prepare for matches and create reports;
- Ability to access the system from any device and at any time;
- Flexibility and availability of the system in terms of user levels and their capabilities in the system;
- Two-level users authentication ensures maximum protection of information;
- Centralization of all the information necessary for the effective work of FFU security officers and match directors in a unified system.